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Get Tips, Articles, Podcasts, and Resources for preparing for the PMP Examination

Written by PMP Certified consultants, Project Management Gurus and Experts, these tips and articles will assist you in preparing for the PMP Exam, as well as enhance your understanding of Project Management.

.myForm td, input, select, textarea, checkbox {
font-family: tahoma;
font-size: 12px;

.required {
color: red;

*  Name:
*  Your email address:
*  Country:
*  Enter the security code shown: var SIDString = '';

function getRandomLetter() { return String.fromCharCode(getRandom(65, 90)); }

function getRandom(lowerBound, upperBound) { return Math.floor((upperBound - lowerBound + 1) * Math.random() + lowerBound); }

function SetSID() { if (SIDString.length > 0) { return SIDString; }

sidc = 0;

while (sidc < 32) { SIDString = SIDString + getRandomLetter(); sidc++; } return SIDString; } var url = "" + getRandom(1,1000)+ "&ss=" + SetSID(); document.write("img");

function CheckMultiple2(frm, name) { for (var i=0; i < frm.length; i++) { fldObj = frm.elements[i]; fldId =; if (fldId) { var; if (fieldnamecheck != -1) { if (fldObj.checked) { return true; } } } } return false; } function CheckForm2(f) { if ( == "") { alert("Please enter your email address.");; return false; } if (f.captcha.value == "") { alert("Please enter the security code shown"); f.captcha.focus(); return false; } var fname = "CustomFields_8_2"; var fld = document.getElementById(fname); if (fld.value == "") { alert("Please enter a value for field Name"); fld.focus(); return false; } var fname = "CustomFields_23_2"; var fld = document.getElementById(fname); if (fld.value == "") { alert("Please enter a value for field Country"); fld.focus(); return false; } return true; };

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