Do You Know How to Print Gridlines in Excel?
Make a nice report in Excel. Then print it. You’ll be disappointed. Because the gridlines that are visible in Excel, that make the rows and columns visible, don’t get printed by default when you print any Microsoft Excel file.
It is much easier to type in Excel when you can see the grid lines to demark rows & columns. However if you print your beautiful Excel file, it may not seem so easy to read, because the lines that separate the rows and columns are not printed by default.
You may miss the row/column alignment and misread the wrong data with the wrong row… specially when there’s a lot of data on a page, and the fonts are a bit small.
That’s when printed gridlines in Excel reports come in handy.

Now there has always been a way to get the grid lines to print, since Excel 2000, and it is still available in Microsoft Excel 2016, 2019 or Office 365, in the same place. In Excel , you have many ways to get to the Print Grid lines option.
Go to Print > Print Preview & Click on Page Setup. The option to print gridlines in Excel is hidden here.
You will see a popup box come up. Click on the 4th tab and select Sheet. You should see something like this screen shot below.

As you can see, there is a checkbox which says – Gridlines in the Print section. Select the Checkbox, and then click OK.
You will see tiny gridlines appear on the screen. Now when you print the sheet, you will see gridlines being printed, and it is much easier to view the figures on the printed sheet with gridlines printed.
Hope you find this tiny tip useful…
If you want to learn more, you can join us for our Basic-Intermediate Excel Training course, or for the Advanced Excel Training in Singapore. We offer classroom and online trainings for your benefit.
Vinai Prakash
Founder, Intellisoft Systems