New Features in Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access Training in Singapore
Microsoft Access Training in Singapore
Microsoft Access Training in Singapore

If you’re searching for a more flexible data management system, a database might be just the salvation you’re looking for and Microsoft Access provides an excellent option. With Access you will experience new interface with different look and feel. It has got sleeker look and it has more colors to make it more modern style, which makes Access still relevant now and beyond.

You can not only save the document which you can access anywhere but at the same time you can collaborate it with other people.

Microsoft Access Logo

Features of  Microsoft Access

Access 2013 has changed the tabs of ribbons and made it capitalized which was not there before.

Also if you have not worked with SkyDrive before that’s something which is going to be new for you. Want to explore this?

So when you are trying to open any new or existing document you don’t only have a option of choosing it from Recent but also you can also select it from SkyDrive.

After entering your account details it enters into your SkyDrive and then you can browse your database the same way as you browse in windows explorer. Like downloading we can also upload our local database to the SkyDrive.

Access 2013 has moved towards the Cloud and can now produce Web Apps which can be accessed through a browser.

There’s a quantity of Wizard help available in constructing these, so you’re not working from the sketch up when constructing one. Navigation and different views are pre-constructed, as long as the Web App you’re after can be based on one of the database templates provided.

Here are the top features you should explore in Access .Microsoft Access Training in Singapore at Intellisoft

  • Using Templates in Access
  • Apps in Access
  • A Focus on the Web: Office 365, SharePoint, and Access
  • SQL Server: Behind the Scenes of Access

If you would like to learn more about these new features in Microsoft Access, or would like to attend the Microsoft Access Training, do contact us at Intellisoft Systems.

Check out if you are really Microsoft Office Proficient.

What are the Benefits of Learning Microsoft Access

Learning Microsoft Access offers a variety of benefits for individuals and professionals who work with databases, data management, and data analysis. Here are some key advantages of learning Microsoft Access:

1. Efficient Data Management: Microsoft Access enables you to organize and manage large amounts of data in a structured manner. You can create tables, relationships, and queries that help you maintain data integrity and prevent redundancy.

2. User-Friendly Interface: Access features an intuitive interface with a graphical design view that makes it accessible to users without extensive programming experience. This allows you to design and manage databases with ease.

3. Customized Data Entry Forms: You can design custom data entry forms in Access, tailored to your specific needs. This streamlines data entry processes and ensures consistent and accurate data input.

4. Structured Query Language (SQL) Integration: Access allows you to use SQL for more advanced querying and data manipulation. This skill is transferable to other relational database management systems (RDBMS) as well.

5. Querying and Reporting: Access offers powerful querying capabilities, allowing you to extract specific data subsets, perform calculations, and create meaningful reports based on your data.

6. Data Analysis and Insights: Learning Access empowers you to analyze data by creating complex queries, running aggregate functions, and generating summary reports, helping you derive valuable insights.

7. Data Validation and Integrity: Access enables you to implement data validation rules and constraints to ensure that your data is accurate, consistent, and conforms to specified criteria.

8. Data Security: Access provides options for securing your databases by setting permissions and user roles, allowing you to control who can view, edit, or manipulate your data.

9. Integration with Other Microsoft Office Apps: Access seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel and Word, allowing you to import and export data and generate reports in familiar formats.

10. Career Opportunities: Proficiency in Access is a valuable skill sought after by employers across various industries. It can open doors to positions related to data analysis, data management, and database administration.

11. Small Business Solutions: Access is often used by small businesses to create customized databases for inventory management, customer tracking, project management, and more.

12. Learning Transferable Skills: Learning Access equips you with fundamental database design and management skills that can be applied to other relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle.

Mastering Microsoft Access offers a range of benefits that can enhance your data management capabilities, improve efficiency, and provide you with valuable skills for various career paths.

Whether you’re working with data as part of your job or simply looking to gain new skills, mastering Microsoft Access can be a valuable investment of your time and effort.

Who Uses Microsoft Access These Days?

Microsoft Access is used by a wide range of individuals, professionals, and organizations for various purposes related to data management, reporting, and analysis. Here are some examples of who uses Microsoft Access:

1. Small Businesses and Startups: Small businesses and startups often use Microsoft Access to create custom databases for tasks such as inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), order tracking, and project management.

2. Data Analysts and Researchers: Data analysts and researchers use Access to organize and analyze data for research projects, surveys, and data-driven decision-making. They can create queries, run calculations, and generate reports to extract insights from their data.

3. Administrative Professionals: Administrative staff use Access to manage information such as employee records, event schedules, contact lists, and resource allocation. Custom databases can help streamline administrative tasks.

4. Educators and Students: Access can be used in educational settings for teaching and learning database concepts. Students may learn how to create databases, design forms, and perform basic data analysis.

5. Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofits use Access to track donations, manage volunteer information, and create reports for stakeholders. Custom databases help them efficiently manage their operations.

6. Project Managers: Project managers can use Access to create databases for tracking project progress, tasks, timelines, and resources. This aids in organizing and overseeing complex projects.

7. Marketing and Sales Professionals: Marketing and sales teams use Access to manage customer data, track sales leads, analyze marketing campaigns, and generate reports on sales performance.

8. Human Resources Departments: HR departments use Access to manage employee data, track performance reviews, monitor training programs, and generate reports for compliance and analysis.

9. Government Agencies: Government agencies utilize Access to manage various data, such as public records, permits, licenses, and citizen information. Custom databases help streamline operations.

10. Consultants and Freelancers: Independent consultants and freelancers might use Access to track client information, project details, expenses, and generate invoices.

11. Research Institutions: Research institutions and academic organizations use Access for managing data related to ongoing research projects, experiments, and academic studies.

12. Event Planners: Event planners use Access to manage event details, guest lists, RSVPs, and other logistical aspects of event planning.

13. Health and Medical Facilities: Medical practices and healthcare facilities can use Access to manage patient records, appointments, billing, and other administrative tasks.

14. Real Estate Agents: Real estate agents might use Access to track property listings, client preferences, transaction history, and generate property reports.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of professionals and organizations that use Microsoft Access to manage, analyze, and report on their data.

Access provides a user-friendly interface for creating custom databases that cater to specific needs and tasks, making it a versatile tool for a variety of industries and roles.

Why Should You Join Intellisoft For Your Access Course Training?

Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider Intellisoft Systems’ Microsoft Access training courses as your top choice and why you should strongly consider joining these courses:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Intellisoft Systems has a proven track record of delivering high-quality training programs. With years of experience in the industry, their instructors are experts in their field and have a deep understanding of Microsoft Access.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The Microsoft Access training courses at Intellisoft Systems are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Access. From database design fundamentals to advanced query and reporting techniques, you’ll cover all aspects needed to become proficient in Access.
  3. Hands-on Learning: Intellisoft Systems places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning. Through practical exercises, real-world projects, and interactive workshops, you’ll gain practical experience that is invaluable for applying your knowledge in real-life scenarios.
  4. Customized Approach: The training courses are tailored to meet the needs of learners at various skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your existing Access skills, Intellisoft Systems ensures that the training aligns with your learning goals.
  5. Small Class Sizes: With small class sizes, you’ll receive personalized attention from instructors. This facilitates a conducive learning environment where you can ask questions, engage in discussions, and receive individualized guidance.
  6. Project-Oriented Learning: Intellisoft Systems believes in project-oriented learning, where you’ll work on practical projects that simulate real-world scenarios. This approach helps you build a strong foundation and apply your skills effectively.
  7. Practical Applications: Access is a powerful tool with numerous applications across various industries. By joining Intellisoft Systems’ courses, you’ll be equipped with skills that are highly relevant and sought after in the job market.
  8. Networking Opportunities: Enrolling in these courses allows you to connect with fellow learners who share similar interests. Networking opportunities can lead to valuable connections, collaborations, and the exchange of insights.
  9. Post-Training Support: Intellisoft Systems continues to support you even after the training is complete. You can reach out for clarifications, guidance, and assistance, ensuring that your learning journey is a continuous one.
  10. Proven Success Stories: Many individuals have successfully completed Intellisoft Systems’ Access training courses and have seen tangible improvements in their skills and career prospects. You could be the next success story.

If you’re looking to master Microsoft Access and unlock its potential for your personal growth or professional advancement, Intellisoft Systems’ Access training courses are your ideal choice.

With their experienced instructors, comprehensive curriculum, hands-on learning, and commitment to your success, these courses provide the perfect platform to enhance your skills and confidently navigate the world of Access.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the best – join Intellisoft Systems’ Microsoft Access training courses and take your skills to the next level!

Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel For Fast Data Analysis

Excel Pivot Table Training Singapore

Excel Pivot Tables help us to discover patterns or trends in the data.

Here is a quick tutorial on Pivot Tables in Excel which highlights the new features added in Microsoft Office 365, Office 2019, and Microsoft Office 2016 or earlier versions of Excel.

Earlier we had a look at the Sparklines and Slicers features of Excel so now we will look at the improved pivot table feature of excel.

Excel Pivot Table Training Singapore

Learn Improved Pivot Tables in Excel

PivotTables are now easier to use and more responsive. Key improvements include:

Excel Pivot Table Training
Lesser-Known Features of Microsoft Excel
  • Performance enhancements: In Excel, Multi-threading helps advanced  sorting, data retrieval and filtering in Pivot Tables.
  • Write-back support: In Excel, we can update values in the OLAP PivotTable Values area and then transferred to the Analysis Services cube on the OLAP server. We can use the write-back feature in what-if mode and then roll back the changes when we no longer need them, or we can save the changes. We can use the write-back feature with any OLAP provider that supports the UPDATE CUBE statement.
  • Enhanced filtering: We can use slicers to quickly het the required data in a PivotTable and see which filters are applied without having to open additional menus. In addition, the filter interface includes a handy search box that can help us to find what we need among potentially thousands (or even millions) of items in the PivotTables.
  • Pivot Table labels: We can add labels in a Pivot Table and also replicate them in the Pivot Tables. This will help us to display item captions of nested fields in all rows and columns.
  • PivotChart enhancements: It has made things easy to interact with PivotChart reports. Specifically, it’s easier to get the required data directly in a PivotChart and to reorganize the layout of a PivotChart by adding and deleting fields. Similarly, we can hide all field buttons on the PivotChart report.
  • Show Values As feature: The ‘show values as’ feature includes a number of new, automatic calculations, such as % of Parent Row Total, % of Parent Column Total, % of Parent Total, % Running Total, Rank Smallest to Largest, and Rank Largest to Smallest.

How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel

  1. Drag and drop fields from your data into the “Rows,” “Columns,” “Values,” and “Filters” areas in the PivotTable Field List.
    • Rows: This area represents the rows of your pivot table, often used for categorizing data.
    • Columns: This area represents the columns of your pivot table, creating a hierarchical structure.
    • Values: This area represents the values you want to summarize or calculate, such as sums or averages.
    • Filters: This area allows you to apply filters to your data before generating the pivot table.
  2. Customize Values: You can change the way your values are summarized by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to a field in the “Values” area and selecting a summary function (e.g., Sum, Count, Average).
  3. Apply Filters: If you added fields to the “Filters” area, you can use the filter drop-downs in your pivot table to narrow down the data displayed.
  4. Format and Style: Format and style your pivot table to make it visually appealing and easier to understand. You can use Excel’s formatting tools to adjust fonts, colors, and cell borders.
  5. Refresh Data: If your original data changes, you can refresh the pivot table to update it with the new data. Right-click on the pivot table and choose “Refresh.”
  6. Explore and Analyze: Use your pivot table to explore and analyze your data. You can easily rearrange fields, add or remove them, and experiment with different layouts.

Creating a pivot table might seem a bit complex at first, but once you become familiar with the process, you’ll find it to be a powerful tool for data analysis and reporting in Excel.

Excel Training SingaporeIf you would like to learn more about these new features of Microsoft Excel, or would like to attend the Microsoft Excel Training, do contact us at Intellisoft Systems.

If you have any further questions then contact us through email Systems or call at +65 6250-3575!!!

Your Pivot Table Trainer is Vinai Prakash.

Vinai teaches Advanced Excel Techniques, Dashboard Techniques using Excel, Data Interpretation and Analysis Training courses at Intellisoft.

He has trained over 15,000 students in over 18 countries, and regularly conducts Excel Workshops in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, India, Dubai, Egypt, Zimbabwe, South Africa etc.

Why Use Pivot Tables in Excel:

Pivot tables are a powerful tool in Excel that offer a range of benefits for data analysis, summarization, and reporting. Here are some examples of why you should use pivot tables and the key advantages they provide:

1. Data Summarization: Pivot tables allow you to quickly summarize and aggregate large datasets. They can help you calculate sums, averages, counts, percentages, and more, without requiring complex formulas.

Example: Summarizing sales data to calculate total revenue, average sales per region, or the number of units sold by product category.

2. Data Analysis: Pivot tables enable you to analyze data from multiple perspectives by arranging fields dynamically. This flexibility allows you to uncover patterns, trends, and insights within your data.

Example: Analyzing website traffic data to determine which pages are most visited, identify traffic sources, and compare user engagement across different time periods.

3. Quick Report Generation: Pivot tables provide a rapid way to generate comprehensive reports from your data. You can customize the layout, apply filters, and instantly update the report as your data changes.

Example: Creating monthly financial reports with detailed breakdowns of expenses, revenues, and profits across various departments or projects.

4. Interactive Dashboards: Pivot tables can be part of interactive dashboards. When combined with slicers and pivot charts, they allow users to dynamically explore data and instantly visualize trends.

Example: Building a sales dashboard where users can filter data by product, region, or time period using slicers and see the results in pivot charts and tables.

5. Easy Data Restructuring: Pivot tables make it easy to reorganize data on the fly. You can quickly change the order of rows and columns to view data from different angles.

Example: Rearranging survey data to view responses based on different demographic categories like age groups, gender, or education levels.

6. Data Cleansing and Filtering: Pivot tables can help you clean and filter your data. You can easily remove duplicates, filter out irrelevant records, and focus on specific subsets of your data.

Example: Identifying and removing duplicate entries from a customer database or filtering out low-performing products from a sales dataset.

Key Advantages of Pivot Tables:

  • Efficiency: Pivot tables allow you to perform complex data analysis tasks quickly, without requiring in-depth knowledge of formulas or programming.
  • Dynamic Exploration: You can easily switch, add, or remove fields to explore data from different angles, helping you uncover hidden insights.
  • Flexibility: Pivot tables accommodate changes in data structure or values, allowing you to update your reports and analysis effortlessly.
  • Compact Presentation: Pivot tables provide summarized results in a compact and easy-to-read format, making it simpler to communicate key findings to stakeholders.
  • Interactivity: By using slicers and pivot charts in conjunction with pivot tables, you can create interactive reports and dashboards that facilitate user-driven analysis.
  • No Data Alteration: Pivot tables do not alter your source data. They create a separate view of your data for analysis purposes, ensuring data integrity.

Pivot tables in Excel are essential for transforming raw data into actionable insights. They offer a range of benefits, including efficient data summarization, interactive analysis, and quick report generation.

Whether you’re working with sales figures, survey responses, financial data, or any other type of dataset, pivot tables can help you make sense of your information and make informed decisions.

Power BI Tip #2: Reference Query Results in Another Query With Power Query [Video Tutorial]

Learn PowerQuery Reference at Intellisoft Singapore

Been analyzing the same or similar data for a long time?

I bet you spend a lot of time cleaning the data, and doing the same steps again and again… removing Blank, getting rid of duplicates, adding that Tax column, or fixing the same old formatting issues with the dates, numbers as text etc.

It does not have to be like that. Not anymore! You can take you cleaned data in Power BI, and use it in another dashboard or query. And you can analyze the same data in different ways too.

You see, for most types of analysis in the workplace, the base data is usually the same, probably coming from the same source. But the transformations will most likely be different, and the usage will be different too.

For example, Sales data from the past month could be used for many different analysis.

Some common types of analysis could be:

  1. to analyze the sales of the month and identify which products sold or did not sell well OR
  2. to forecast for future month based on past trends
  3. to understand inventory movement, analyze fast-moving and slow-moving goods by segmentation
  4. to recognize revenue
  5. to look at accounts receivable
  6. to analyze performance by salespersons, by geography, by division, by category, by department, and by customer segments

Now in both cases, the way we look at the data will be different, and the analysis will branch out differently too. And for each branch, we will have to load the same basic data, and do the same basic cleanup – remove duplicates, fill nulls, change data types, fix dates etc.

Rather than doing the same cleanup transformations again for each analysis, it is better to do the cleanup only once and save that query. Once the base query is ready, it can be used to extend for further transformation and analysis, depending on the need.

Power Query, which is available to you through Excel or Power BI can be used easily for this (Video Tutorial Below).  The thing to look for is

How to Reference a Query and Create a New Query from it

Referencing a Query allows us to simply take the result of one query, and take it further in another query.

I created a detailed, step by step video for you to see how to reference a query in Power Query. You can use it in Excel or in PowerBI. It works exactly the same way in both of these software.

I do hope you like it. You can subscribe to our YouTube Channel to be notified of new videos automatically.

Hope you do like our Excel & Power BI trainings, videos, and Online Blogs on Intellisoft website.

Learn Power BI From Practicing Professionals in Singapore
Intellisoft Systems conducts PowerBI training in Singapore each month, which are WSQ Funded for up to 70%, and there are several other grants to tap on too.

Do attend our hands-on practical training to learn Power BI from the beginning, and be able to analyze and visualize data easily with Microsoft tools.

Visit PowerBI Training in Singapore or email to for a course brochure.

This article and Video is written, edited & presented by: Vinai Prakash,
Founder & Master Trainer, Intellisoft Systems

Vinai conducts the Microsoft Power BI training in Singapore. His Power BI MasterClass courses are extremely popular, fun and easy to learn for beginners and experienced professionals alike.

Join Vinai in his next Power BI training course at Intellisoft. You won’t believe the insider secrets, shortcuts, and nifty ways that Power BI can be used, that Vinai will share in the workshop.


From Data Frustration to Data Transformation: A Success Story

Learn to convert data into information into knowledge into wisdom at Intellisoft Systems Singapore

The Challenge of Having Too Much Data & Too Little Time

In today’s data-driven business landscape, the ability to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of information is crucial. The amount of data that is coming is too fast, and there is hardly any time to analyze it.Learn to convert data into information into knowledge into wisdom at Intellisoft Systems Singapore

This challenge is faced by too many people… But there is light at the end of this black hole of data… See how our heroine, Amanda Lee managed to solve this challenge.

We take you on a captivating journey with Amanda, an employee who faced a daunting challenge: analyzing complex data from SAP.

Her determination, resourcefulness, and expertise in SQL, Excel, and Power BI led her to become a valued data analyst within her organization.

Let’s delve into the Case Study of Amanda and explore the transformative power of these tools, and how Amanda managed to survive the day and thrive…

The SAP Data Conundrum:

Amanda, a dedicated employee known for her analytical skills, was tasked by her manager to analyze data from SAP, the company’s backbone for managing vital business information.

The data was available in multiple places in some standard reports, and some custom reports.Data in multiple silos can be combined with Power BI, SQL, Python. Learn how to do this at Intellisoft Courses in Singapore.

But the manager wanted a perfect report, and it was difficult to make sense of the whole, big picture from multiple sections.

So Amanda was tasked to take this challenge and make it work.

The challenge lay in finding a single report that provided a comprehensive overview of the required data. Undeterred, Amanda set out to conquer this data conundrum.

Exploring Standard Reports:

Amanda embarked on a meticulous exploration of SAP’s standard reports, hoping to find the perfect report or a solution.

She dedicated countless hours to examining various reports, seeking the elusive comprehensive data set.

However, despite her best efforts, none of the reports met the boss’s requirements.

Exporting and Excel Limitations:

Not one to give up easily, Amanda decided to export the data from SAP Reports into Excel, believing it would allow her to manage and analyze the information more effectively.

To her dismay, the exported data turned out to be massive, exceeding the limits of Excel’s capabilities. It became evident that relying solely on Excel would not suffice to solve this complex data puzzle.

Plus, loading multiple huge report files, and other Master data files at the same time caused her computer to crash often.

Excel and the Power of VLOOKUP:

Determined to find a solution, Amanda delved deeper into Excel’s functionalities and discovered the power of VLOOKUP.

She realized that by merging data from multiple sources, she could create a more comprehensive dataset. This process, however, proved to be laborious and error-prone, requiring significant time and effort to align the data properly.

Excel VLookup Sample
Excel VLookup Sample

Learning VLOOKUP is one thing, and applying it to lookup multiple codes & descriptions from multiple sheets and multiple Excel files was too cumbersome and slow.

Discovering SQL:

Driven by her desire for efficiency, Amanda set out on a quest to find a more robust solution. She began exploring the world of databases and stumbled upon SQL (Structured Query Language).

Recognizing its potential in handling large datasets and performing complex queries, Amanda dedicated to mastering SQL language.

Learn SQL to query any database quickly in Singapore
Introduction to SQL training in Singapore. Learn to query any database with SQL quickly in 2 days at Intellisoft

Learning SQL helped in picking the right data directly from transactional tables in SAP’s Oracle Database by joining several table and writing efficient SQL queries.

The SQL Solution:

Armed with SQL knowledge, Amanda devised a strategy to extract the required data needed from the corporate SAP database.

With a single SQL query, the query effortlessly pulled out the required information, bypassing the arduous process of manual data manipulation.

Amanda’s achievement in harnessing the power of SQL marked a significant turning point in her quest for analytical excellence.

Excel Dashboards and Visualizations:

With the right data finally at her disposal, Amanda exported it back into Excel, now equipped with the necessary insights.

She utilized Excel Dashboards to create various analyses and visualizations, bringing the data to life in a meaningful and impactful way.

The management was astounded by the depth of insights provided by these visualizations, realizing the untapped potential of data analysis.

Introducing Power BI:

The success achieved with Excel Dashboards paved the way for an even more remarkable transformation. Amanda was introduced to Power BI, a powerful business intelligence tool, by the Corporate HQ of the company.

She was spellbound by the dynamic, beautiful, amazing analysis capabilities of Power BI.

She began to migrate the entire solution from Excel to Power BI, creating interactive dashboards and reports that enabled the entire organization to access and explore the latest data analysis  effortlessly, from any device, without waiting for manual data refreshes and month end jobs to complete running.

Becoming the Data Analysis Expert:

Amanda’s expertise in SQL, Excel, and Power BI elevated her to a coveted position within the company.

She became the go-to analyst for senior management, constantly engaging in discussions and providing innovative solutions to analyze and visualize information for the leadership team.

Her journey from an individual contributor to a key player in shaping data-driven decisions exemplified the transformative power of mastering these tools.


The story of Amanda’s journey from grappling with SAP’s data challenges to becoming an indispensable data analysis expert is a testament to the incredible possibilities offered by SQL, Excel, and Power BI.

By harnessing the power of these tools, individuals can unlock the true potential of data, transform their organizations, and become drivers of analytical excellence in the ever-evolving business landscape.

What Challenge Are You Facing?

Are you facing similar challenges? Or do you have other data challenges?

Do let us know. Our experienced training coordinators can assist you in understanding your data challenges and then guide you with an appropriate course to choose from.

This can help you get started in the right way, and not face the challenges that Amanda faced.


Vinai Prakash, Founder & Principal TrainerIntellisoft Systems

Recommended Reading:

Learn Excel Lookup Functions Easily

Some of the most popular Excel Lookup reference functions are VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP.

A newly added XLOOKUP is becoming very popular too. (XLOOKUP is currently only available in Office 365 versions). At Intellisoft, you can learn it by joining the XLOOKUP Training course in Singapore using Microsoft Office 365.

For the power users of Excel, the mastery of INDEX, MATCH & OFFSET can be considered vital, as these are considered the advanced lookup functions in Excel.

These functions will help you Analyze Data quickly. You should enrol in the data analysis and interpretation training class in Singapore.

But with the introduction of XLOOKUP, some of the jugglery created by mixing INDEX & MATCH combination is no longer required.

VLOOKUP Function of Excel

The most MUST HAVE Function ever. Even Excel gurus can’t live without it. I polled a group of Excel experts recently, asking if Excel’s VLOOKUP was overrated. I got a severe backlash for even mentioning it.

Almost everyone said that it is their GO TO function, an absolute must-have and that Excel won’t be that useable if this VLOOKUP function was taken away from Excel!

Most people swear by their VLOOKUP functions. It is their GO TO function when they want to lookup value of any type.

According to legend, VLOOKUP mastery is what separates the Pro Excel users from the Amateurs!

Vlookup is akin to using a dictionary. You know the word, and you want to find out the meaning. This dictionary is the range of cells that contain the lookup up value, and its associated value. The V in VLOOKUP stands for the dictionary being a vertical dictionary. So for a vertical lookup, you must use VLOOKUP function only.

=VLOOKUP(word, dictionary, column number of meaning, exact_match_ype)

The first column in the dictionary must contain the lookup up value, and the first row should be of the data. You should not include the headings in the dictionary table. The difficulty most people have with VLOOKUP is the last flag – the logical value of TRUE or FALSE (You can use 1 for True and 0 to indicate the False flag).

Once a matching value is found out, you will be able to get the return value based on the search. The error value of N/A will be generated if there is no exact match until the last row.

The mystery is created because to use VLOOKUP for an exact match, you have to specify the last optional flag, and set its value to a FALSE or a 0. By default, it is set to 1, which is useful for an approximate match type only. So for an exact match of a specific value, the last parameter is not really optional… it is mandatory.


There are a couple of major shortcomings in using VLookup function of Excel. First of all, the VLOOKUP is really a slow function. It is apparent when you do a lookup on a large list of 100,000 values or more. Secondly, VLOOKUP can only look up up a corresponding value from the columns on the right of the looked-up value. It can’t look to the left!

Make sure you master this Excel function really well.

HLOOKUP Function in Excel

An oft-forgotten cousin of VLOOKUP, this Horizontal Lookup and Reference function in Excel works in a similar way too. The only difference is that in this case, a lookup dictionary is a horizontal dictionary of columns, denoted by the H.

HLOOKUP is most used in range lookups, rather than exact matches, as columns are not the best suited for exact values, because of their limit of 16,000. Where a list can grow vertically to over a million records easily.

In the following formula, this lookup function searches for the closest match, especially when we are not searching for an exact match, but an approximate match. The dictionary is the table array and it is recommended that we use the absolute reference to lock the cells from moving.

=HLOOKUP(A5, $G$2:$K$100, 2)

Here the HLOOKUP will search for the exact or the next smallest value in the lookup table absolute range of $G$2 to $K$100, and return the second row. If you want the third row, you can change the 2 into a 3.

Both VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP return values from a single row or a single column.

Using the XLOOKUP Function in Excel

Did you know that new functions are added to Excel till today, and these are extremely useful functions making approximate matches as well as exact matches.

Finally, after years of backlash at Microsoft for creating the mess with the Match Type (True and False) in VLOOKUP, they got rid of it completely in the Excel XLOOKUP function.

And by default, XLOOKUP is set to do an exact match.

XLOOKUP requires a deeper understanding of the various scenarios. I’d recommend attending our formal ADvanced Excel Training to build a strong foundation in Excel. You can call us at 6250-3575 for more information of our courses and available enrollment dates for classroom training in Singapore.

This new XLOOKUP function of Excel is only available from Microsoft Office 365 users. It does not work on Excel 2016 or Excel 2019 versions.

Using INDEX Function in Excel

If you know the row number, you can find the value on that row or column cell directly.

INDEX can be used as an Array function also. Paired with MATCH, you can find any value on any row or column in a 2-dimensional array.

Index can help you to find the value on the row or the column of the specified number

How To Use Excel MATCH Function

When you want to find an exact match in an array and return the row number in the array, MATCH comes to your rescue. It is one up on VLOOKUP, which requires you to know the column you want to return. MATCH can find a match for a value that is lower, exactly equal or higher than the specified value.

Paired with INDEX, an INDEX & MATCH Function can manage to look up on the left or the right of any array of cells.

Master the OFFSET Function within Excel

To navigate your way in a two-dimensional array of rows and columns, you can use the OFFSET function in Excel. It can traverse any number of Rows or Columns, and get you the value.

How to use the offset function in Excel:

=OFFSET(Starting Cell, Row to move up or down, Columns to move left or right, Number of rows required to be returned, number of columns required to be returned)

I generally use OFFSET more than INDEX and MATCH combinations. Using one super-powerful OFFSET function is more straightforward.

Once you start using Offset in Excel, you wouldn’t want to use other lookup functions of Excel.

When Do I Use the INDIRECT Function of Excel?

The Excel INDIRECT function returns the reference specified by a text string. References are immediately evaluated to display their contents.

Use the INDIRECT function when you want to change the reference to a cell within a formula, without changing the formula itself.


The above Indirect function will check what is in cell A3. And A3 will have the cell reference to another cell. So if A3 contains B35, Excel will then read the value in cell B35.

Thus, we can get the value of the reference in cell A3. The reference is to cell B3, which may contain the value 45.

The INDIRECT can be very useful in creating custom management dashboards and reports.

What does the FORMULATEXT Function of Excel Do?

Displays the text of another formula. This helps to see all formulas next to their values and can be useful to spot mistakes and issues with formulas.

=FORMULATEXT(A3) will provide you with the formula in cell A3 as a Text Value.

This FormulaText function is useful to see the formula without having to go into Editing mode.

View this link for more information on how to get the Formula of another cell in Excel.

How to use ROWS Function of Excel

Displays the row number of a reference cell.


Will return a 4. This is because there are 4 Rows in the given range.

How to Use the COLS Function in Microsoft Excel?

Displays the column number of a reference cell.


Will return a 2. This is because there are 2 Columns in the given range: A & B

Using the TRANSPOSE Function of Excel like a Pro

Converts rows into columns and columns into rows. Just like the Transpose feature in Paste Special, but done programmatically.

So if you use TRANSPOSE(A1:D3), you have selected 4 columns and 3 rows.

After the Transpose is completed, you will get an array reference of 3 Columns, and 4 Rows. The horizontal table would have flipped and will be visible vertically.

Pretty nice use of hanging values in rows into columns.

When Do I Use the UNIQUE Function of Excel?

The UNIQUE function of Excel generates a list of unique values that automatically spill down. An array function can be used to create data validation lists too. Available from Microsoft Office 365 onwards. This UNIQUE function is not available in Excel 2016 or Excel 2019.

Learning the Lookup Functions in Excel Quickly & Easily

As you can see, there are a lot of LOOKUP functions in Excel, and learning and mastering them takes time. But once you do master them, you can do wonders with your Excel skills.

It is worth the effort to learn the Excel Lookup Functions. Call Intellisoft at 6250-3575 or What’s App at +65 9066 9991 for Excel 365 Training that covers the key Lookup functions of Excel.

You will definitely enjoy it!



Founder & Master Trainer at Intellisoft Systems in Singapore.

Advanced Excel Course in Singapore

Advanced Excel Course Content

Become Awesome With Advanced Excel Training Course

Advanced Excel course in Singapore is available at Intellisoft Systems.

Excel is a high-end spreadsheet software that is used in business. From simple data entry officers to analysts to managers, everyone loves to use Excel.

This is a higher end training, focusing on the Advanced Level of Microsoft Excel.

If you are new to Excel or have little experience in using Excel, you should first attend our Basic Excel Courses in Singapore. It is more suited to beginner and intermediate users, and will cover the basics of Microsoft Excel thoroughly.

You will then be able to do common tasks in Excel like write some simple functions in your daily work.

At the Advanced level, there are a range of courses available – ones that covers Pivot tables, Advanced Formulas of Excel, or focus on the Data analysis tools & capabilities within Excel to begin with.

Why Should I Learn Advanced Excel Skills?
Do You Know These Advanced Excel Tricks?

Intellisoft offers many advanced Excel training courses. T

o reach the Expert level, you must learn Excel VBA Programming, Excel Dashboarding Techniques, Using Power Query & Power Pivot add-ins of Excel, Advanced Formulas, Advanced Sorting, Advanced Filtering, and the ability to work with large data sets to handle big data.

At the Expert level, you will be looking to pick up business intelligence signals from the processing of data and using business analytics.

So you can see that Advanced Excel is really vast, and will help to take your skills to the next level. It may require you to take a few separate Excel courses to learn the full potential of the spreadsheet application that we all love to use – Excel.

There are numerous advantages of Excel. You must learn the advanced functions and features like pivot tables & macros early to make the most of it in your professional career or for your personal use .

What Advanced Features of Excel are covered in our Excel Training Course in Singapore?

The most important features of MS Excel are covered in depth. The course outlines these features like:

  • Advanced Excel Formulas,
  • Advanced Spreadsheet Functions,
  • Logical Functions
  • Date & Time Functions
  • Database Functions
  • Lookup Functions like VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP
  • Combine Formulas to Create More Powerful Functions
  • Pivot Tables for Summarizing Data Quickly,
  • Recording Basic Macros,
  • Conditional Formatting,
  • Custom Formatting
  • Creating & Using Range Names
  • Combining Data From Multiple Worksheets
  • Combining Data from Multiple Workbooks
  • Sharing Excel Files
  • Data Processing
  • Protecting Excel Workbooks
  • Creating Excel Charts & Customizing them
  • Creating & using Excel Templates
  • And numerous other useful Excel functions

    Do You Know These Advanced Excel Tricks?
    Do You Know These Advanced Excel Tricks?

Who are your Trainers For Advanced Excel Course?

All our trainers are certified Microsoft certified Trainers with a wealth of experience in using and teaching Excel. They are all ACTA certified and love to share their knowledge and application skills to make you an expert in Advanced Excel skills. We go the extra mile to help you master the key essential skills of Excel in a short time.

If you would like to learn from a Microsoft certified trainer with years of experience to learn what works well in the office or for your personal work, you should join our Advanced Microsoft Excel Courses at Intellisoft.

You can be from any type of industry, and you’ll still be able to learn numerous functions and formulas of Microsoft Excel and build your spreadsheet skills at your own pace. Whether you are a basic or advanced user, you will learn a ton of new techniques, shortcuts and tricks in Excel that will elevate your Excel skills to the next level.

Best VBA Course in Singapore
Excel VBA Macro Course in Singapore – Participants learning by writing  Macros themselves

What in Provided for the Advanced Excel Training at our Institute?

We provide you with

  • A laptop loaded with the correct version of Microsoft Excel for your use in our training room.
  • Advanced Excel Exercise Files will be provided too.
  • As part of the course materials provided, a detailed, step-by-step guidebook with Exercise files for Excel will be provided to each participant.
  • The included exercise files have cases from the business world as well as examples of how to use Excel for personal use. With this, your team will become expert excel users who can use the various tools, advanced excel functions and data management capabilities easily.

Pre-Requisites For The Training

In terms of pre-requisites for this Excel course, you don’t need a bachelor degree or any diploma.

Anyone with good PC skills, some previous experience in using Excel, and a keen interest in learning the wide range of advanced functionalities of Excel can join this advanced training workshop.

Excel Dashboard Training Participants
Excel Training Participants at Intellisoft

In a short period of just 2 days, you will be able to

  • use pivot tables,
  • formulas of excel,
  • advanced spreadsheet functions,
  • data analysis tools,
  • charting techniques,
  • conditional formatting,
  • Excel Reports
  • and much more.

You will be able to appreciate the full potential of Excel in everyday use at the office.

Whether you want to make simple or complex spreadsheets, you will have the skills. It does not matter which type of position or the type of industry you are targeting, Excel is used everywhere. So at the completion of this unit, you can call yourself an Advanced User of Excel, and you will have a certificate to prove it too.

Available Grants & Funding For Excel Training For Singaporeans & PRs

You can use SkillsFuture* or SDF Grants for company sponsored training courses where the course fees is partly sponsored by the Singapore government. The SSG Rules & Guidelines on eligibility apply.

With an affordable price, we can also arrange for corporate training for a group of participants at your company training rooms or you can attend the training at Intellisoft Training rooms too.

Our training facilities in the lab are top notch. We take care of of social distancing & government rules and regulations.

Intellisoft is considered the best Microsoft Excel training centre in Singapore.

Advanced Excel Course Content
Advanced Excel Course Training in Singapore

How To Join Advanced Excel Training Course in Singapore?

Prospective learners can contact our Training center at Fortune Centre and we can send you more precise information about the course. Request for a course brochure or Register for Advanced Excel training now.

You can then browse the outline of our Microsoft Excel Courses and pick the one that suits your needs the most. Our courses are short, practical and to the point. You will enjoy the training and become a better Excel user is no time.

Learn the most powerful spreadsheet program in the world… directly from the Microsoft Experts!

Join the Advanced Excel Course in Singapore at Intellisoft. We are waiting for you…

Vinai Prakash
Founder of Intellisoft Systems

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