How To Calculate Customer Engagement Using Social Media?

How To Calculate Customer Engagement Using Social Media?

The rising engagement of people in social media platforms have attracted all the brands towards social media. So, Brands have started to craft graphical story around the key brand value and offerings for better Customer Engagement using Social Media.

The challenge today is to find how engaged are your customers with your Social Media Pages. This needs to be measure & tracked to ensure enough ROI is being generated for the time & resources spent.

If you are a Digital Marketer, having a proper Strategy & Implementation in Digital Marketing is the only way to reach target audience. Also, to generate good ROI.

Let us discuss the social media engagement steps from strategy to Implementation that will improve the ROI & Customer Engagement.

  1. Set SMART Goals:

There’s no denying that social media can be a powerful tool, but too often companies caught up in producing a stream of content. But, they don’t think about the big picture.

Whether its corporate, marketing, branding or Customer relationship management, it will work better if the goals are shaped around the key business objective.

Leat to set SMART goals for Better Customer Engagement at Intellisoft
SMART goals for Better Customer Engagement in Social Media

Select several goals that are most important to your business and are feasible to achieve.

The goals can be:

  • Awareness
  • Customer Retention
  • Branding
  • Lead Generation
  • Promotion
  • Referral Traffic
  • Sales
  • Launch
  • Loyalty

By curating the goals you can easily think of themes, content brackets, visuals & platforms. If you think its limiting, its quiet opposite. In fact, it gives a clear understanding and vision of accomplishments.

Do check out our Insightful Article on the 10 Exciting Tips for Engaging on Instagram

  1. Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Strategy:

Once you have defined the big-picture, it is important to stack your efforts in right way. It is important to analyze how you allocate the content. This is to make sure the contents are in alignment with the goals and key business objectives.

Learn to Analyze the Customer Engagement Strategy at Intellisoft Singapore
Learn to Analyze the Social Media Marketing Strategy at Intellisoft Singapore

Curate a system to measure the social media content efforts to support your goals. First, create a basic spreadsheet of content, time and engagement. It can be filtered to analyze later.

Here are the few questions to start your analysis with:

  • What is my post frequency?
  • What topics do I post most frequently about?
  • Is my brand’s voice, personality and objective coming through my post?
  • What characterizes my post?
  1. Implement Your Game Plan:

Goals may be the backbone of the marketing program, but translating the to a powerful content will take you a long way. Think of each piece of content you share as a larger story your brand / company wants to communicate.

In fact, each content should have a clear theme, point of view and a take away for the consumer.

Learn to Implement your Marketing Strategy at Intellisoft Singapore
Learn to Implement your Social Media Marketing Strategy at Intellisoft Singapore

Here are some ideas of Implementation:

  • Post Regularly & Be active
  • Communicate Promotions, Offers and Services
  • Respond quick for customer engagement
  • Mix up types of contents
  • Show the usefulness and lifestyle
  1. Track & Measure ROI:

Looking closely at the implementation, the next step would be tracking of the engagement.

Learn to Track & Measure ROI with Insights at Intellisoft Singapore
Learn to Track & Measure ROI with Social Media Insights at Intellisoft Singapore

Track the insights & engagement to streamline the efforts better. You can easily track the following:

  • Time people are Viewing your post
  • Demographics of the people engaging
  • Tracking the Clicks to Conversion
  • Type of Contents that gets the more engagement. For instance – Inspirational Quotes, Texts, Videos, Images, GIF, Info-graphics

Track the content themes & decide frequency based on the engagement metrics. Alter the frequency, time  & Content Strategy based on the insights.

Qualitative content wins. Focus on the content that generate strong leads, keep in track of loyal consumers, a responses from star consumer, and add them to further posts.

This might be a little hard to keep in track but its valuable to capture them and add because ultimately not always number wins, but satisfaction & reviews do.

How To Calculate Customer Engagement using Social Media?

Here are some quick ways to calculate engagements:

  • Look for Virality in your Facebook page analytics. It shows the likes & shares for your better understanding too.
  • Instagram: Enable insights from settings & start to track insights in every post. Therefore, you arrive at a better understanding of the reach.
Learn to Calculate Customer Engagement With Insights at Intellisoft Singapore
Learn to Calculate Customer Engagement With Insights at Intellisoft Singapore

All these are a just perspective ideas & guidelines. But, it is always good to master the skill for desire outcomes.

Intellisoft has carefully designed a highly insightful Digital Marketing Course to help you learn & master the Social Media platforms to get your Brand, a great value.

Learn how to improve the current marketing activities & get them to perform at their very best, therefore getting the maximum ROI from them.

Why wait? Join us today & master Digital Marketing starting from S$61.25*. You can claim that also from SkillsFuture.

Register Online now for the 2 days practical hands-on course to get the most out of Digital Platforms.

We are here to assist you if you have any more questions on the Course.

Feel free to call me at 9343-2080 or Email us to request brochure or any other queries.

Tel: 6250-3575  Whatsapp:  9343-2080  |

Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram & LinkedIn for more updates on Courses & Grant!

P.S: Do check out the interesting Article on 5 Tips to Improve your Business Search-ability in Google

What is Your Next Step After Learning Excel?

What is Your Next Step after Learning Advanced Excel?

What is Your Next Step After Learning Excel?

Wondering what to pursue after learning Excel? Let us find the answer. Before that, let’s first read a quick short story.

Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant. The pay was good and so were the working conditions. So, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he would work.

The first day, the woodcutter felled 18 trees.

“Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”

Motivated by the boss words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring down 15 trees. However, the third day he tried even harder, but he could only manage 10 trees. Day after day, he finished with fewer trees.

“I must be losing my strength,” the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he is week and could not understand what was going on too.

“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked.

“Sharpen? But I’ve had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been so busy trying to cut trees….”

This story states that equipping yourself shouldn’t ceases & sharpening the tool set & keep you updated is the only way to a long term success.

Now, why are we reading to this story?

Let me jump to the point directly.

The world is fast paced. So, we need to have the required tools ready & sharp for use. 

It is almost impossible to find work that does not require some amount of Excel. Having the right skills for using and applying Excel for Simple or Advanced tasks is a must.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most valuable skill sets that can take you far!

However, most of you already know & use Microsoft Excel quite well. Really glad to know that. Still, sometimes even experienced Excel experts miss out on the best features of Excel that seem to be hidden.

Is it Sufficient to know Excel well to prove yourself in this competitive world?

Are you ready for the Future?

Learning never ceases and you should keep updating you to keep you in par with the emerging industry and not becoming outdated.

You should grab other Skill set after finishing Microsoft Advanced Excel to keep growing in the Job Industry.


Let us discuss the variety of options available in front of you to pursue using the Advanced Microsoft Excel Skills that open you up to various career prospects in addition to career growth.


I am an Excel Expert. How do I get into Data Analysis?

I am an Analyst. But I always stand at the mercy of IT peers to query my Data!

Are you relating to these situations?

Let’s talk about the first step you can take to resolve this.

Analysis comes into play only after you have the set of relevant information in your hand that are clean as well.

When you yourself can query data from the relational Database system & reorganize, then certainly you are independent, and you can control your own productivity & efficiency.

Learning the right tool to collect & organize your data can be a savior. If you don’t know what is SQL & Why should you learn it, get yourself acquainted first.

Learn SQL to query any databse at Intellisoft Singapore
Learn SQL to query any Database at Intellisoft Singapore

SQL could be the priority as it is an easy to learn, straight-forward programming language. It is a simple but popular program for Data Management.

Administering, updating, maintaining, and manipulating the database is easy with SQL.

With SQL you can – retrieve, analyze and report information quickly and efficiently.

Wondering How to Learn SQL Fast?

Grab SQL Skills today to be an independent analyst otherwise make a new career as Data Analyst, Database Administrator, Data Scientists or even Data Architect at Intellisoft Singapore.

  1. Join Excel VBA (Macro) Course:

I am an Excel expert. Do I only get to learn the skills that are into Data Analysis?

Well definitely not. As we have already discussed Excel is a program that is used in all the fields in which the Data Analysis is just a new popular.

Excel could be enhanced with further skill sets and utilized in various tasks as well.

One such skill set that is highly useful for people into leadership, or managerial position to review the work or report, or even for someone who is into repeating the functions, formulas, or a set of same steps dozens of times every day.

There is a boon to such people – Macros in Excel.

You can write & record macros for simple to complex steps that you accomplish every day. In addition to that, Macro Code runs much faster and save a huge amount of time, which in turn will increase productivity.

After all, you don’t get bored of what you are doing every day.

Learn to Automate repeated Steps with VBA at Intellisoft Singapore
Learn to Automate repeated Steps with VBA at Intellisoft Singapore

Looking to learn VBA (Macros) faster?

Join an Excel VBA (Macro) training at Intellisoft Singapore today to Learn practical ways to automate tasks & build a better workflow with VBA Macros and automation in your work.

  1. Data Interpretation & Analysis with Excel:

Data Analysis is a cool and exciting career to get into. When you already are aware of the Excel tool kit, now it’s time to learn the Techniques of Analyzing Data with Excel.

Data Analysis is a process of using logic & statistics to answer some of the business questions which consequently leads to decision-making.

You can learn to understand data and forecasting based on different criteria.

Charts & Modelling can be made using the Excel Features.

Correlation & regression techniques can be used to Analyze Data with different variables.

Data Interpretation & Analysis with Excel Training at Intellisoft Singapore
Data Interpretation & Analysis with Excel Training at Intellisoft Singapore

Above all, It is wise to grab the techniques of using the tool effectively, when you are an Excel Expert Already!

Wondering why you should learn Data Analysis? Check out the top 5 Cool Career Options that rely on Data Analysis

Also Join Intellisoft now to Grab Data Analysis Skills fast.

  1. Create Interactive Management Reports & Dashboards with Excel:

A Dashboard is the dynamic reporting technique used in business data reporting.

If you can present a huge amount of critical data in a Visually Appealing, Dynamic & Interactive Chart in Excel, apparently the decisions are made faster & you are the star of the boardroom already!

 Visually Appealing, Dynamic & Interactive Report in Excel
Visually Appealing, Dynamic & Interactive Report with Excel Dashboard at Intellisoft Singapore

Why wasting time, learn Excel Dashboard & report metrics that matter!

Well, I hope that you now have a clear idea of  What can you do after learning Advanced Microsoft Excel!

Take a breath! Make time out of your calendar to learn the essential skills that matter!

Best of Luck!

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What is Power BI: A Must-Have Skill For Analysts & Decision Makers

How to Use Power BI at Intellisoft Singapore classroom Training

What is Power BI: Intro to the Most Powerful Visualization Tool from Microsoft

The world runs with Technology but ruled by Data. Learning to process, manage, analyze and present data can lead to a flourishing Career Path.

Becoming a Data Analyst is the new cool. Data analysis as a career path has a bright future and a variety of options become available to keep moving ahead in your career.

The Data Analyst career path starts from grabbing the right Skills. While it needs a basic knowledge of SQL for querying Data and Python fundamentals, it a very much mandatory to upgrade yourself with the Key Skills like Advanced Microsoft Excel and Power BI.

We all have heard of SQL, Python and Microsoft Excel, but you may not be familiar with Microsoft Power BI.

Let’s find out What Power BI is, and How you can benefit from learning & using Power BI.

Why Microsoft PowerBI is Essential For Data Analysis?

Power BI is an intelligent software that is highly equipped to Analyze data and gain Insights quickly, without any fuss.

You can visualize data and create personalized reports & dashboards with KPIs that matter in your Business.

It is very popular among Data analysts because of the Speed, Accuracy, Consistency, and Security. You can set the report to refresh automatically, and inform the key stakeholders to view it on their i-Pads and Mobile phones.

The reports and insights can be collaborated effectively across all the different Software’s like Excel, SalesForce, SharePoint, SAP, Oracle Database, and even Microsoft Teams. This allows the whole team to get involved in Data Driven decision making.

Extensive Connections & Flexibility in Power BI

Microsoft Power BI has a growing Library of 100+ connectors that comes for Free and connects it to various Cloud based platforms like SQL, Salesforce and SharePoint.

In Power BI Desktop, users can:

What Power BI Can Do: Benefits of Microsoft Power BI
What Power BI Can Do: Benefits of Microsoft Power BI
  • Connect to data
  • Transform and model the data
  • Create charts and graphs
  • Create reports and dashboards that are collections of visuals
  • Share reports with others using the Power BI service

What’s covered in Power BI Training?

This PowerBI MasterClass teaches the skills a business analyst needs to know in order to successfully use Power BI, Write DAX Measures and Use Power Query to Clean and Load data.

The course starts out first by highlighting the key Advanced Excel functionality useful for data analysis, and then moves to Power BI tools. We cover Microsoft Power Query, Power Pivot & Power BI – all built into the new Power BI Desktop Application.

This Practical, Hands-on workshop covers:

  1. Importing and creating relationships between tables of data.
  2. Understanding the optimal data structure to use in PowerBI.
  3. Writing basic Data Analysis eXpressions (DAX) formulas to extract business insights.
  4. Then writing more advanced DAX formulas that use the power of DAX to extract additional business insights from the data that are not immediately obvious (yet are inherently available).
  5. An introduction and overview of Power Query, how to use the tool to build data extraction and cleaning scripts, and why it is so great.
  6. Helping Excel professionals move from being a normal user in Excel to being a Power BI analyst, covering the differences between the tools and how to start using Power BI Dashboards effectively.

You Can Learn Power BI in a Classroom Setting

Unlike the other Basic computing software’s, Power BI should be learnt and mastered through a proper Training or a Master Class to make you understand the Power BI suite of products available from Microsoft, and be a Power Ninja in analyzing, visualizing & understanding Business Intelligence Reporting.

You should attend a Focused, instructor-led power packed program that make you

Focused Instructor Led Power BI Course in Singapore
Focused Instructor Led Power BI Course in Singapore
  1. Understand Power Query & DAX, and how to apply it to your job.
  2. Achieve better and faster results than with existing Microsoft tools.
  3. Produce valuable KPI metrics for your business that never existed before.
  4. Learn best tips & tricks to solve complex problems & create stunning work.

Where can I Attend Power BI Course in Singapore?

Intellisoft Systems offers you an intensive Power BI Training in Singapore for 2 days.

Our expert approach in this classroom training course makes it accessible to become an Excel Pro.

At the end of the 2 days, you will be well on you way to becoming a Power BI, Power Pivot and Power Query Ninja!

What are the Pre-Requisites to Learning Power Query, Power Pivot & Power BI

You can easily learn Power BI f you have Basic knowledge of Excel, and can write simple formulas like SUM, IF, Nested IF, and:

Note: Anyone with a Database, BI, Programming, or similar experience are quite qualified to take this course, even if lacking in Excel experience.

Thousands of people like you have attended our training & started analyzing data, in Sales, Customer Service, Finance, Logistics, HR, Business & other functions in no time.

Gain Valuable Insights by Visualizing Data Quickly!

Whether you work in Banking, Marine & Offshore, Telecom, Networking, IT, Manufacturing, Services, Government or Healthcare, you must tap on the Best and Most Useful software for Data Analysis & Business Intelligence – POWER BI.

Go Beyond Excel Pivot Tables, Learn Power BI now!

Where: Intellisoft Systems, Singapore

You can Register Online or contact us to block seats for you while you get internal approvals.

Companies Can Claim SDF Funding for sponsoring their SG/PR staff. Individual Singaporean can use their SkillsFuture Funds to offset the course fees.

Why wait? Join Intellisoft now! Please call or Email me to reserve your spot on this Power Pivot and Power BI for Excel Training Program.

Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram and Do Check out our LinkedIn for more updates on the Courses & Grants!

P.S: Looking for cool Careers? Check out the Top 5 Cool Careers in the Job market!

Article Written by Vinai Prakash, MBA, PMP, GAP, ACTA Certified

Additional Resources for Power BI

Training Courses

Data Analytics & Visualization with Power BI

Learn Microsoft Power BI Suite For Better Data Analysis & Reporting

Power BI Tips, Tricks & Video Tutorials

Power BI Tip #2: Reference Query Results in Another Query With Power Query [Video Tutorial]

Microsoft Power BI: Super Charge Your Data Analysis Process

Power BI Tip #6: Fixing The Vertical Axis in Power BI Visualisations

Power BI Tip #5: All About Slicer Controls in Power BI

Power BI Tip#4: Enter Data Into Power BI Quickly [Video]

Power BI Tip #3: Quick Formatting of Power BI Visuals

Are You Microsoft Office Proficient?

Microsoft Office Training in Singapore

Every job seeker would have this word written in their resume Microsoft Office Proficiency.  

What Exactly is Microsoft Office Proficiency?

A Microsoft Office Proficient should be able to create an error-free, beautifully formatted document with header, footer, page number & Page breaks.

In Excel, they should be able to handle a large volume of data, format, sort, filter and create Pivot Tables for better visualization of Data.

In PowerPoint, the ability to make aesthetically appealing stellar presentation with graphics, images, GIFs, Animation is considered good proficiency.

Handling Microsoft Outlook like a pro to manage emails, create separate folders, track tasks, manage calendar, set reminder, marking them complete, and most important, getting things done quickly with these productivity tools.

This should not be overwhelming. It should be easy to do, and management expects everyone to be proficient in Microsoft Office.

It has been years since the Microsoft Skills have become mandatory for every person coming into the workforce – whether administration, data handling, HR or even the Managerial Position.

A research by IDC concludes that Microsoft Office is one of the top three skills desired by any employers next to oral and written communication Skills.

Possessing Microsoft Skills not only merely helpful in typing docs and tabulating number, rather they help us to get more productive, efficient and handle and present data professionally effectively than ever. Microsoft Office is the most effective, accessible, and easy to use software’s.

Lear Microsoft Office Skills at Intellisoft

Microsoft Word:

It has been used by many people as just a notepad or a typing software’s. But in real, it can do wonders in creating professional Documents.

If we can spend some time in learning a bit more than what the Home Tab has, it can considerably reduce the time we spend on making documents.

Word is useful to create better Proposals, Reports, Agenda, Meeting Minutes & more.

Microsoft Excel:

Excel is often used in accounting and finance for its ability to calculate and compute complex numbers. Even non-financial businesses use Excel because of its unbeatable ability to organize data in tables & for updating, organizing, and displaying the data nicely.

It is highly used in administration and managerial level to analyze data quickly and present to management.

It even supports Visual Basic Applications to create macros to automate functions that increase efficiency.

In fact, the Pivot Tables and Dashboards are inevitable when it comes to analysis and reporting. You must up your proficiency in Excel to master these functions.

Microsoft PowerPoint:

Everyone would have made a basic presentation in Schools and workplaces to present the work. But PowerPoint comes handy to make it visually appealing and effective.

Its intelligence in generating different design ideas for the slides is becoming so popular nowadays. Other than just suggestion, it allows you to use the plenty of shapes and icons that are in-built and even allows you to import illustrations and graphics from the internet while working.

In short, anyone can make a stellar presentation with a quick guidance and practice.

It is always wise to have a most sough after skill in hand to increase employability & cement a position in job industry.

While Microsoft Office is filled with short cuts and methods to create attractive and easy to manage documents, a comprehensive hands-on training can help you to master the hooks and corners of the Microsoft Office package within just 3 days.

Simply follow the step-by-step instructions and learn the art of creating professional business documents easily every time.

With this training you will be able to Create Impressive Proposals, Charts & Presentations to Woo Clients.

View the detailed Course Outline

Companies can apply for SDF FUNDING & Individuals can apply for SkillsFuture Credits to offset the Training Fees.

If you have questions on Funding or need an official quotation/course brochure, please contact me on 9343-2080 or drop us an Email.

Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram and Do Check out our LinkedIn for more updates on the Courses & Grants!

P.S: Don’t forget to check out our Amazing Article on Best Practices For Managing Emails With Microsoft Outlook to Manage Emails like a Pro!

How To Learn Advanced Excel Fast

FAQ About Advanced Excel Training

Advanced Excel FAQ:
What is Advanced Excel, Why should you learn it, How to learn Advanced Excel in Singapore

– A Fast Start Guide to Becoming an Expert at Advanced Excel Skills

Every organization uses Microsoft Excel in their day to day work. Most employees & managers know Excel to some extent. And they are able to survive the day by doing things in one way or another… often the long and inefficient way.

Learning to use Microsoft Excel well goes beyond the basics. That’s where the Advanced Excel skills come in handy.

Microsoft has bundled in hundreds of useful functions and features, that can do wonders, save a lot of time, and improve your efficiency & productivity.

Each new version of Excel is packed with ever richer functionality, and provides more ways to use Excel to its utmost at any workplace.

Microsoft is striving to add those features that can simplify complex things, and make it easier to do data entry, perform computations, and even analyze data & present the insights into actionable information useful for clients and colleagues or the management in nicely created reports and dashboards.

So how come very few people are familiar with these Advanced Excel Features & Functions?

Do You Know These Advanced Excel Tips & Tricks?
Do You Know These Advanced Excel Tricks?

Partly because Microsoft is a software company, and not so much an education company. They add new Excel formulas, features, shortcuts, buttons, charts types, and options, but Microsoft doesn’t spend the time in educating everyone about these new enhancements in the time they deserve.

Microsoft simply blog about it, updates the documentation, and then wait for you to figure it how somehow. Most greatly useful features languish, forgotten in the documentation, hardly ever used…

Also, partly to blame is our education system, which does not start teaching us the key Excel skills that are essential in the job. Almost every student now works on a laptop or a tablet, using documents & spreadsheets for every report, presentation or assignment they do. But our schools often leave you to figure how to be productive with these basic tools.

Very few schools or colleges have mandatory Excel or Word Training.  It’s no wonder that when a fresh graduate joins the workforce, they often take ages to do simple things, stumbling and faltering along their journey to do even basic things in Excel, let alone the Advanced Excel Techniques that are required to be productive.

Why Should I learn Advanced Excel?

That’s a common question for people using Excel at workplace. If you don’t even know what Excel can do, why will you be interested in learning it. You need to see the features to believe it, and to see your own blind spots.

Why Should I Learn Advanced Excel Skills?
Do You Know These Advanced Excel Tricks?

Increased Productivity With Advanced Excel Tips & Tricks

If you care about getting the job done faster, without any errors, then it is in your interest to improve your competence in Excel. You don’t have to learn all the 500 plus functions to master Excel. In fact, you can already be more productive if we can know and use more than 10-15% of the Advanced Excel features and functions we have listed below.

Better Job Prospects With Better Excel Skills

New job prospects & Career switch options also open up for those who can manipulate and juggle data easily in Excel. Many higher end analyst jobs in the financial and accounting, sales, marketing, management & consultancy areas require good analytical & decision making skills.

Better Presentations With Excel Charts, Reports & Dashboards

Plus, With Advanced Excel Charts & Reporting features, you can be a star in the boardroom too. Most client presentations will need some amount of data and analysis to be presented, which can easily be analyzed and tabulated in Microsoft Excel, provided you know how to do it quickly.

So now you know the key reasons why you should learn Advanced Excel, you may be wondering, what are the key features of Excel that can considered as “Advanced“.

What Really Are Advanced Excel Skills?

Knowledge of multiple useful features and functions, plus the ability to use them at short notice is what we can call as Advanced Excel skills. To name a few, you must be able to know and perform the following things in Excel well.

A Listing of Key Excel Skills You Must Have
A Listing of Key Excel Skills You Must Have


Setup Columns Quickly using Auto fill options. For example, you can fill Months or Quarters easily by filling in just the first value. Similarly, you can generate sequence numbers from any starting point to any ending number.

Do Quicker Data Entry by using Auto complete of repeating values as Excel picks up the filling values using pattern recognition
Generate Sequence Numbers quickly With Auto Fill & FlashFill options


You must be able to Bring External data into Excel from any kind of source – be it Text files, CSV files, XML, Web Data or Database files. Plus, Excel now makes it easier to bring in data from the Cloud Apps like SalesForce, Zendesk, QuickBooks & over 200 app integrations, from PowerQuery, now built into Excel, from version 2013 onwards.

All is not good just by loading the data. You will have to clean & de-duplicate it. Fill in blanks, handle null or missing values, and then fix the dates to become useable. You’ve often got to convert dates formatted as YYYYMMDD or DDMMYY into something that’s more humane – DD-MMM-YY or MM/DD/YY. Obviously the actual settings will depend on your country, regional settings & preferences. But it is often required. This requires you to use PowerQuery, or use Text functions to extract the date, month or year from strangely formatted dates.


After cleaning the data comes the job of making it easier to read and identify the key data points.
Here comes the Data Formatting options. Formatting Data makes it easier to read and present data. With Conditional formatting options, it is easier to highlight data based on any simple or complex condition or criteria. By highlighting data, you can make it easy to the winners and losers & spot issues and errors. Highlight the highest values, lowest values, values between a range, values outside a range, or set up your own rules, based on calculations.


Good knowledge of Advanced Excel Functions is essential to get more mileage out of Excel. Microsoft’s Excel functions are divided into multiple categories:

Categories of Microsoft Excel Functions
Categories of Microsoft Excel Functions

Lookup Functions like VLookup, Index, Match, Offset, Indirect allow you to find anything from within Excel tables and Master data. Pick the employees name based on Code, or find out who secured the highest or lowest sales numbers.

Statistical Functions like Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Variance allow you to analyze data statistically. You can find out the median, standard deviation or variance, allowing you better insights into the data as to what happened, why it happened, and what is most likely going to happen.

Analysis Functions like Correlation & Regression, Trend Analysis & Forecasting further the statistical functions into forecasting, and allowing you to make better projections, and better decisions based on the happening trends.

Excel Formula Groups
Excel Formula Groups

Logical functions like If, Sumif, Countif, Iferror allow you do things conditionally – check if a condition is met, add or count based on conditions being met or not met, and even check and handle errors from happening.

Date & Time functions for finding todays date, time, difference between dates, hours, year, month, days, weekdays. This allows you to do time based calculations, buckets of date ranges, and even create ageing analysis based on range values.

Database functions that treat the entire data set as a database, and allow you to aggregate results using Dsum, DAverage, Dmax, Dstdev. This can be useful when working with big data

Text Functions to extract, clean and manipulate data – Left, Right, Mid, Char, Len, Fixed, Trim, TextJoin help in fixing erroneous data, and picking certain batch codes, lot numbers, region or product codes from within serial numbers.

Financial Functions like PV, NPV, PMT, IRR, Accrued Interest, Future Value, Mirr etc. are useful for analyzing the current, present and future value of things. Interest calculation, accruals, monthly installments, interest rates etc. can be easily worked out by using these advanced Financial functions of Excel.


Use the Pivot Table feature of Microsoft Excel, which is the fastest way to get some high level summary from your data set. Pivots allow you to slice and dice the data in numerous ways, and analyze it using different dimensions easily, without writing any formulas or macros. A pivot table is the first thing people turn to when they want some quick analysis or summary on the data.

With the help of Slicers, Timelines, Report Filter Pages, you can look at the same data in multiple ways, multiple dimensions, and in multiple filter flavors.

These are all great ways to analyze information quickly with Excel – a strong reason to learn Advanced Pivot Table techniques of Microsoft Excel.

Use Pivot Tables For Quicker Analysis of Data
Use Pivot Tables For Quicker Analysis of Data

In fact, knowledge of Pivot tables is often tested in interview questions for jobs requiring a good amount of business analytics. Even in days where most companies world class ERP software with hundreds of canned reports, often raw data is extracted from these ERP packages and combined with external market data, manual forecasts and then analyzed using Pivots.

Competence in Advanced Pivot Table analysis techniques are are must if you want to get into business analytics. Strangely, for the amazing things pivots can do, they are surprisingly easy to master. I often see managers and senior executives surprised at the simplicity, and lament that they missed out on this easy feature for the past several years, relying on junior executives to churn out the reports.

No harm in getting the ground staff to run the reports, but sometimes they do not have the acumen or sensory acuity of understanding the big picture. The juniors often report the obvious, without being able to get that helicopter view of the data.

Pivots are the easy, low hanging fruit that you should begin with, for it brings the biggest bang for the buck. You can easily master it in an afternoon, or in a pivot table masterclass and win an edge with this winning Advanced Excel trick up your sleeve.


Excel Dashboards To Visualize Information Quickly
Excel Dashboards To Visualize Information Quickly

Create Charts from raw or summarized data to visualize the information quickly. Multiple columns and thousands of rows make it very difficult to see the big picture and spot a trend.

How To Convert Excel Data into Charts
How To Convert Excel Data into Charts

A visual is worth a thousand words. An Excel chart can depict the past sales of many months or quarters, returned products or problem tickets created/solved each month, and it becomes much easier to spot a trend by looking at a high level chart more than by looking at a sea of rows and columns

There are multiple kinds of charts in Excel that can make boring data look stunning. Choose from Bar & Column charts, Pie & Donuts charts, Waterfall charts or Line Charts. You can also create combination charts showing column and lines at the same time, allowing you to measure 2 different metrics at one time.

Excel charts are easy to master, and there’s a lot to choose from. You can easily format them, add legend, titles, colors, and just about tweak every aspect with a mouse click. Mastering such Excel Charting tips can take you far in the boardroom, with better looking charts & visuals.


Macros are the one Advanced Excel Feature that allows you to extend Microsoft’s products and take them to newer heights. You can create your own functions & automations in Excel to perform multiple steps in a short time, at a single button click.

Macros are heavily used in Banks, financial institution, and in accounts departments of almost each and every company. They are the staple of the data enthusiasts who like to do things just once.

Excel VBA Macros allow you to load new data automatically each month, collate and tabulate multiple sheets & multiple workbooks, and create reports & charts automatically for each new period.

Macros are recorded or written and edited in a special language created by MicrosoftVisual Basic for Applications (VBA) in short.

While learning VBA may take some time, this is the secret weapon that separates the wizards of Excel from the amateurs. Once an Excel macro is written and tested, it can easily be deployed to the masses. Your colleagues and users needn’t know the complexities or the logic of how things are done.

Macros Automate Routines & Execute Faster
Macros Automate Routines & Execute Faster

For example, you could create your own custom Financial Accounting Software, just by using Excel. Using Forms, you can get the users to key in the sales, expenses, and generate invoices or receipts at a click. And a Cash Flow Statement, a Profit & Loss Statement, or a Balance Sheet could be generated at any time, collating all the data keyed in so far.

This allows the users to get more done with Excel, and everyone doesn’t have to learn the technicalities of generating such reports at any time.

VBA Macro writing and editing skills are considered Advanced, because it requires you to learn the specific way Excel refers objects like workbooks, sheets, rows and columns. VBA is a full blown programming language – allowing you to write loops, conditions, procedures, functions, and tag them to buttons, mouse movements etc.

This one advanced Excel skills can make you indispensable in the whole department. I have known several people who have a clout in the company because of their deep knowledge of the system, and that they have written the backend systems that the company uses in its day to day operations. Such deep knowledge is always in demand.


Today Microsoft Excel is improved and enhanced to allow multiple colleagues and friends to work together on the same file. You can track changes of who did what, and you can even protect the information in such a way that only those authorized to see or edit can do so, protecting information from prying eyes.

Sharing & Protection Options in Excel
Sharing & Protection Options in Excel

With Advanced Data Protection techniques in Microsoft Excel, you can hide sheets, write protect them to make them view only, or allow only certain rows, columns or cells to be editable. This gives a tremendous advantage while working with multiple people and multiple sheets.

With the integration of OneDrive, you can truly collaborate with your team, having multiple edits and track changes as they happen. It is much easier to edit, pick the changes you like, or remove/revoke changes that you do not approve of.

Share & Protect Data Accurately With Amazing options
Share & Protect Data Accurately With Amazing options

If you haven’t visited the Review menu of Excel, you’d be surprised with the multiple options available under the hood, that allow for Collaboration, Sharing, Editing & Protection of Documents.


Almost everything you do in Excel has been done before. So if you are making a calendar, or a cash flow report, a monthly report, attendance report, Result of Students, Invoices or Statement of accounts, Expense claims or Employee Leave forms for the team, there is a ready made template to do so.

Not just one, you have hundreds of templates to choose from. These ready made templates are available to any Microsoft Office user to use and save time.

Save Time With Sophisticated Excel Templates
Save Time With Sophisticated Excel Templates

On top of this, you can create your own company wide or departmental templates, that can be used month after month, quarter after quarter without any changes. Consolidation becomes a breeze if you all use the same template.

Plus, tracking & merging of multiple changes can be done with the hidden Track & Merge option. You can’t find this button in the standard toolbar, and need to enable it separately. A golden gem of a function. Even seasoned pros have been unaware of this super cool advanced excel functionality.

Print Beautiful Reports & Charts With Advanced Excel Techniques of Page Setup

With Advanced Page setup, you can decide what you want printed and what not. You can add headers, footers, page numbers, logos etc. straight out of the box. But Excel goes beyond this into giving you fine control over the rows, columns, and area that will be printed.

Excel Page Setup Options
Excel Page Setup Options

You can control whether you want to print grid lines, draft copy or are you printing the final copy. The current date or time can be printed too, along with a lot of meta data – file names, sheet names, page numbers etc. provide you with a fine control. Printing order – collated or by page, and auto fit to handle orphan printing of some columns can be a real paper saver.

Trees will love you for learning and using the page setup options within Excel well.


Almost everyone figures out how to sort data on any column – in either ascending or descending order. But Excel allows you to perform custom formatting – based on your values, and your defined order.
Sorting for multiple, unlimited levels is a boon too. This breaks the limited 3 level sorting of previous versions, allowing you to sort as many levels as you please.

Filters have improved much in the past 10 years. Now you can easily filter the Top 10 or Bottom 10 values, filter by color, filter by values, and even filter by specific text or dates. There filter feature helps you to actually define the period of data or values that you want to focus on, and eliminate the rest. Master this simple feature, and get to your important data points quickly.

Filtering the values to focus on at any given time removes clutter and makes it easy to visualize information in Excel.


Microsoft added the functionality to treat data as a table in Excel 2007. But the name they gave to the button that begins this functionality is a showstopper.

Format as Table in Excel
Format as Table in Excel

When you look at “Format As Table”, all you’ll see is multiple coloured data tables. And many an Excel enthusiasts pull away, thinking its just colors… They fail to learn the mammoth hidden functionality of Excel beneath this mis-labeled button.

But once you go over this hump, you are on your way to explore gold with Formatted Tables.

Since 2007, Excel Tables have come a long way. Now they have smart range names, auto fill and auto spill ranges, and use range names in calculations. There are several magic cells in Excel Tables, that can perform additional tasks too.

Becoming adept at using Table features of Excel will speed up your analysis.

Further, tables can be filtered, sorted, sliced. For date based data, you can add a Timeline, which is a slicer based of dates, but much better.

There you have it… These are just some of the advanced features of Excel. Learning about additional things like Custom Formatting, Range Naming, Working With multiple Worksheets, or combining data from multiple workbooks, consolidation, What-if analysis, Scenario Manager, Data Tables, Data Validation etc. will take your Advanced Excel knowledge to a much higher level. There is simply too much functionality to talk about in one article.

Suffice is to say that if you want to get done more, cheaper & faster, then learn some of these Advanced Excel Features, pronto!

How long does it take to learn excel?

There is no simple answer when you are beginning to learn a new skills. To learn Advanced Excel tricks is going to be the same too. It also depends on your interest, commitment, and the amount of time you are wiling to spend in learning it.

I would say that learning Advanced Excel tips and tricks is more of a journey.

You learn some concept, begin to apply it, and then learn some more. While learning, you will come across new concepts, see new problems, and seek newer ways to handle these challenges. This step by step approach will open your eyes, develop a keener sense of Excel capability, and develop your Excel muscle step by step, day by day!

I have been a student of Microsoft Excel for the past 30 years. And still I find new things, and new ways of doing the same things. It has been a fun and exciting journey and I love challenges in Excel.

Every once in a while, someone will send me a long and complex looking formula, and dissecting it, understanding it, and learning from it makes us all better. Helping others with their Excel has been one good way that has helped me grow my Excel competence.

Can you teach yourself Excel?

Yes, of course you can teach yourself Excel. And you can even learn Excel at home. All the same, I would recommend a step by step approach in self-learning of Advanced Excel . Based on your interest, it is safe to divide Excel Training into a few sections.

First begin with understanding Range Names, Conditional Formatting, Tables and Pivot Tables.

Then pick up more complex Logical & Lookup Functions to delve deeper.

After this, you can then focus on Financial or Statistical or Date Functions based on interest or usage within your organization.

No point in learning Excel for the sake of learning. You must apply it first. So find a challenging situation within your company or department, and seek to build a solution to fix it is a good way to get started in building your Excel muscles.

It is safe to say that if you begin learning Excel techniques by using this method, in 2-3 months you will see a big improvement in your understanding of Excel.

And in 6 months time you can be at a pretty advanced level in your Excel usage and your added competence will give you more confidence within your organization.

How Can I Learn Advanced Excel Faster?

If you find this route of self-learning difficult or too long, it may be better to develop and learn advanced excel skills in a more systematic and methodical manner.

I would recommend going for a formal training on Microsoft Excel. Based on your level, and interest, you can choose an Advanced Excel Training in your city or suburb. This is the best way to learn advanced Excel.

Most Advanced Excel courses are 2-3 days long, depending on their coverage.

Make sure you join a workshop where lots of exercises and hands-on is provided, and not just a demo of Excel functionality.

It’s because we all learn better by doing it ourselves, rather than just watching someone else do it.

Plus, doing the exercises yourself will expose you to the common pitfalls and mistakes, which can then be rectified with the trainer/facilitator, and with worked examples and samples, you will gain a better understanding of the topics.

Since 2003, Intellisoft Systems has been providing short courses on Excel at all levels:-

We also have Excel training for creating management charts and reports – called the Excel Dashboard MasterClass. For those looking to automate Excel, you may choose to enroll in the 3 Day Practical, hands-on, VBA Macro Programming workshop.

What is Advanced Excel Training?

A short Excel training of 2-3 days will cover the key concepts. In such a formal Excel training program, the notes, handouts, exercises & sample examples are readily available for you to begin using immediately.

I personally find learning anything in a short course to be more beneficial. It covers the concepts quickly, and then I can focus on the details based on my interest areas.

Plus the best thing for a formal training is that we have a trainer or facilitator available to ask questions along the way.

Learning in a sheltered environment is better as newbies often stop when they stumble upon initial concepts and often give up completely.

What are the Topics in Advanced Excel Training?

Make sure your chosen Excel training at least covers the most important topics, at the very least. Our 2 day Advanced Excel course in Singapore covers all these, and much more, with practical examples and exercises.

  • Absolute & Relative Referencing
  • Using Range Names
  • Advanced Formulas & Functions
  • Advanced Charting Techniques
  • Using Tables
  • Using Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts
  • Sharing & Protection of Data/sheets
  • Consolidating Data From Multiple Sheets/Books
  • Recording and Running Simple Macros

This much can be covered in a 2 full day training if you can attend such a short course. And it can be an eye opener to the rich functionality of Excel.

What is the Best Excel Training Course?

If you are looking for the Best Excel training, look at some key things to consider, like time, speed, convenience & availability. If you can attend classroom training, I’d absolutely recommend it.

But if you are not able to find one in your town, you can opt for online training for Analyzing Business Data by Mastering Pivot Tables to get started first. There are plenty of Online Trainings for Microsoft Excel available. You can also checkout YouTube videos on Excel.

At Intellisoft, we provide both Classroom and e-learning via Zoom classes for Advanced Excel. You can choose from several dates available. These are extremely popular, and we have over 20+ years of running Excel classes.

All of our trainers come with years of industry experience. They have a passion for training and sharing their tips and tricks of Excel with you. You’d absolutely love our best advanced excel training course.

How Do I Get Excel Certified?

Most Advanced Excel courses will come with a certificate of Attendance. This is sufficient for most people, for real competence in Excel is more important that a certificate. Intellisoft offers such certificate of attendance for all of its 2 day Excel courses & workshops in Singapore.

To boost your resume & build your LinkedIn profile, a well recognized  official certification in Excel is required!

There are 2 major certifications you can choose from

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in several Microsoft technologies. For Excel, you can go for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification. There are 2 levels – Associate and an Expert level. Better to go for the MOS Excel Associate level first, which is an easier Excel Exam. Then opt for the Expert MOS certificate in Excel. Beware that Microsoft certifications are pretty expensive.

Another option is to go for the extremely popular certification from the International Computer Driving License (ICDL Foundation). In Asia, this certificate is available at the Foundation and Advanced levels.

At Intellisoft Training, we are the official partners with Microsoft, and ICDL Asia, and are authorized to administer both the certifications in Excel. You can choose the Microsoft one, or the ICDL one, based on your preference.

The ICDL Certification is widely recognized by the Singapore government ministries. It is a tad cheaper in terms of the exam assessment fee too.

Plus, the Singapore government subsidizes the Advanced Excel Training Fee & Certification fee, allowing permanent residents and Singapore citizens to get certified in Advanced Excel skills. It is considered an Essential skill for office use, and is considered a must have for all office executives, analysts & managers. Do contact us for more information on this.

Next Steps: For Enhancing Your Spreadsheet Skills With Advanced Excel Training

With so much demand for Advanced Excel skills, so rich & useful functionality in Excel, and an easy path to victory with Excel, what are you waiting for. Grab the next chance to explore Excel in greater depths. Enroll in a classroom training, an e-learning training, or attend a Zoom class. Whatever it takes, just get started, right away.

Excel is the secret Swiss Army knife in your data analysis toolbox.

Just imagine, how far you can go with a proper, formal Advanced Excel Training! The opportunities are limitless, and so is your future!

Vinai Prakash
Founder & Master Trainer at Intellisoft Systems, Singapore

Microsoft Project: An Ultimate Tool For a Successful Project

Features of Microsoft Project

Project managers are the amazing people in companies, that get the job done. They strategize, plan, build, enhance and repair, and finally get the project delivered.

Constantly fighting tight resources, a short timeline, and minimum budgets, they handle multiple projects at the same time, and still are able to deliver to the client.

Their main job is to handle people, tasks, timeline, resources and even the overall Project goals & objectives.

It is not an easy job to be the Project Manager. Since the job is bound to have frequent changes, it can easily become confusing, chaotic and unorganized.

Therefore, it is even more critical that a project manager is a master of the management software that can save his time and increase efficiency.

Using & following a trusted, tested and reliable project management tool, Project Managers make it easy to organize, collaborate, and administer.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Microsoft Project

How will a Project Management Software work?

Microsoft Project, the ultimate management software has all the necessary features to help efficiently planning of projects, managing the resources, responding to issues, and keep all the authorities involved.

Regardless of the kind of project you handle, Microsoft Project will create a positive impact in Planning & Executing the project.

  1. Improved Planning and Scheduling

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Improved Planning and Scheduling

  • Project planning and scheduling is the primary stage of a Project management which decides the whole flow of the work.
  • With Microsoft Project, managers can easily create an actionable plan and prioritize the tasks to drive the project towards a success.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore

  • It becomes easy to allocate resources, identify dependencies, set up deadlines, and to create project deliverables in no time.
  • Microsoft Project helps to lay a strong foundation for a successful project and to efficiently manage the project until the end.
  1. Better Collaboration

  • Teamwork is the mandatory aspect of a successful Project. A team can comprise of members from various departments.
  • They are required to handle their day-to-day responsibilities and to contribute to multiple projects at a time which in turn makes it difficult to be present in all the discussions & meetings.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore: Learn Effective Collboration & Project Handling

  • This communication gap can create unnecessary delays in the projects and problems that can waste a lot of precious resources.
  • A huge advantage of the Microsoft Project is that it makes effective collaborations in a project extremely simple.
  • All the important insights, project timeline and status updates can be accessed by all the authorized team members with a single click and important alerts can be automatically sent to the relevant parties.
  1. Budget Management

  • The ultimate use of the Microsoft Project software is the budget management. Since the resource management becomes effective, its easy to see where the budget is being spent, and if it is allocated properly.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Effective Budget Management

  • You can then play what-if analysis, and see projections of the project – if it is delayed slightly, delayed a lot, and major breakdowns… what will be the cost of the completed project.
  • It is also effective in real-time management and update of Budget allocation & usage for better understanding and streamlining.
  1. Remote Working

  • In view of the uncertain situations like current pandemic, it is absolutely impossible to stay in touch and discuss physically with all the department.
  • The physical location does not bind modern projects.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Effective Project Management

  • It could be tough to manage the scattered workforce With Microsoft Project, it becomes easy to manage and lead the teams effectively.
  • The tasks assigned are clear and legible that there is no chance of confusions or misunderstandings.
  1. Enhanced Productivity

  • Another major advantage of using Microsoft project software is that it optimizes your decision-making process and improves productivity at work.

Microsoft Project Training in Singapore for Productive, effectient Project Management

  • As all of the important details can be found in a single place, you can always make informed decisions within the shortest time.

Join Us today to Learn more!

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